Call for Abstracts for ISES 2020 Deadline
Sunday, 1st December
Submission of Abstracts Guidelines
Please complete your 250 word abstract following the guideline provided
The following information should be included on the abstract:
- The title of the abstract typed in bold and full name of the presenting author and all co-authors, current appointment & place of work address (this information will be displayed on the programme if you are invited to present).
- Daytime telephone number.
- Email address
If your abstract is to be considered for poster presentation only, please state this clearly.
Submissions should clearly state: –
- The objectives/aims – Method – Benefits/ results – Conclusions of the study
- The abstract should not contain bibliographic references, tables or appendices.
- The abstract should be approximately 250 words (count not including title/authors).
- The abstract must be in English.
By submitting your abstract, you are confirming that all authors have approved the submission, and agree to your abstract appearing on our website.
All sources of financial sponsorship or support of the study should be stated clearly at the end of the abstract.
Deadline Abstracts must be submitted by midnight on Sunday, 1st December 2019.
If you have any queries in relation to this, please email: